Let's MEAT Adam 2 - Full Game Out Now!
Let's MEAT Adam 2 » Devlog
Today after 1.5yrs...SSEA is relieved, humbled, but mainly moved, in declaring LMA2 100% done.
Gamedev is my life's journey, and far from over. But I can say without ego, that this VN is the best thing I've ever done. My personal masterpiece.
Thank you to all who support me, and my dream. <3
"Let's MEAT Adam 2" is now officially released: https://soulsoftea.itch.io/lma2
Show some love!: https://twitter.com/SoulsoftEA
Questions or Game Help: soulsoftea@gmail.com
LetsMeatAdam2.zip 1,010 MB
Jan 17, 2021
LetsMeatAdam2-Mac.zip 994 MB
Jan 17, 2021
LetsMEATAdam2-Android.zip 1,013 MB
Jan 17, 2021
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Let's MEAT Adam 2
An Erotic LGBT+ Thriller
More posts
- LMA 1/2 Coming to Steam! (Finally)Apr 23, 2022
- They're finally here! LMA2 Chibi Plushies!Mar 21, 2021
- Let's MEAT Adam 2 - Digital Artbook Available!Mar 03, 2021
- LMA2 Digital Artbook coming soon!Feb 24, 2021
- Abzi & Soren Chibi Plushies!Feb 17, 2021
- PSA: Bug Report #1Jan 31, 2021
- LMA2 Demo PostmortemOct 31, 2020
- Let's MEAT Adam 2 - Demo Available!Oct 31, 2020
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How do I get the full game, all I see is the demo
Hey Max,
Sorry for the late reply. I've been working 6 shifts a week these past few, but luckily today is the day Im finally getting back to everyone :)
So the issue is with itch's UI. These appear disabled but you can actually click them. Let me know if this helps k

Just a heads up, looks like you forgot to set a price on the PC version of the game when you updated it.
hi Teatime,
Aw thank you for letting me know! 🙏🏽 renpy (the game engine) has a new version. So I rebuilt the game to have Renpys new optimizations and stability fixes.
looks like when you reupload builds, it clears the price :(. (Even if the file name was identical)
it’s been fixed now. Thank you so much!!!
I would largely agree with bsgbsm1 - the setting, the vibe, the overall storyline worked and was as, if not more, darkly realized as LMA1!
This new Adam was such a departure from Adam(1) - I loved his aesthetic and the moments sprinkled throughout that allowed the player to choose some of his mannerisms and mindset, it provided a bit more accessibility for us to feel attached and a part of him.
Offering my own (not unique) suggestions, because I had certainly thought about it a bunch and then didn't think to share...
For both the above routes, having the option to NOT go on, or to go after, the Evander 4th of July date, to Abzi's party or Chuck's Manhattan Beach house party could be used to provide further insight into who these people are, as opportunities for more smut, and to have both men (Abzi and Chuck) find Adam as a viable romantic partner and vice versa, that would be awesome and helpful in picking who the culprits are.
I've spent the last week going over the game and its great. Love the art, love the plot, love the puzzle. So far I've gotten 7 of the 8 endings (True Ending, Bittersweet, Gutless, Violent, Starface, Beautiful End, Dead End). I can't seem to figure out the last one, I'm assuming based on the choices it'll be based on Jon or Frank? If anyone knows how to get that last one, let me know!
The game is great and well-worth the money for the time and enjoyment. The puzzles are fun (and I really like the new "pick the most relevant clues" mini-game). The characters are all fairly interesting, and honestly even the side characters come off as endearing. Timmy and Chuck were great. All the characters feel distinct and developed by the end. The art and setting is fantastic.
If I had to give one piece of constructive criticism for future games, it would be to add a bit more variety to the routes/plot. It worked in the first game, because that game was focused more on solving the puzzles and this game has opened up a lot more (which is great!).
Some examples of where this game could've had some deviation (again I am missing one ending so I apologize if I accidentally mention it):
Yeah this would have made the game so much better and perhaps given us a bit more smut? :) But also what you describe would probably increase the amount of work by a significant factor. Even so, I love the art, the writing is VERY good, so if they considered doing an expansion with more routes I think people would buy it.
Haha LMA has always been more focused on the horror/thriller aspect, but it is an erotic thriller so I don't think more smut would hurt. Heh! I've gotten sooo many requests for a scene with Abzi in some way. But I'm torn, as Mitsatso from AMAP, stated quite truly that no matter what I did/wrote, is there any way for Abzi to really live up to expectations? It's almost better to leave it to the imagination. =)
Anyways Nymrod, thank you for the feedback! The initial plan was to have Adam's behavior (mostly how he speaks) change depending on the choices you make. So he could get more sarcastic or "mean". Which would open up more situations to him, that wouldn't be available if he had stayed so "pure". But due to complexity, I had to curtail that.
But next time, I also really like that idea. Adam(2) is a great character in that I think I was able to write him "blankly" enough, but still give him enough character. However, I'd agree in that it'd be nice if players had more control in his actions. For example, perhaps users could date other characters aside from Evander. etc.
Aha so that's why there is a Purity stat that seems to affect nothing?:)
As for the smut, I always felt that well written text is far more important than multiple pics (which I guess goes against the visual novel idea). And you guys had solid writing, included in the limited smut there was so I think you could manage.
But hey, people could always do fanfics if you'd be OK with that.
Happy Sunday Funday Bsgbsm!
Thank you for loving the game as much as you do! But mainly, thank you for the amazing critique/ideas for the game. I really LOVE, for example, the ideas for new and expanded endings and storylines. Particularly the one you suggested where you can get Jon to betray the others. He was already pretty close anyways, if not for the influence and his loyalty to John. I can totally see that being a 9th ending or outcome. =)
That said, you're super insightful. Would you be willing to perhaps test/playthrough future titles and provide similar feedback? I have a short list of really trusted playthrough-ers, but I'd love to add you to the list . If that interests you, let me know! soulsoftea@gmail.com
PS. I also like the idea of adding (new)route updates and improvements, after the game has shipped! Next time, a good idea, would be to add that to the schedule so it's accounted for and hopefully in scope.
Ooh I love this. Especially the idea of a Chuck ending. Chuck is a side character, but I did really end up liking him alot as I was devving the game.
In hindsight, our surfer 80's pornstache husbando should have an ending of his own. But if so, I'd def want to elevate him more to a main character and give him more scenes and chances to get to know him/hang out.
Well this was certainly hot but not what I expected. The story and the character designs are great but it's extremely railroad and doesn't really let me get immersed since you aren't really in control of Adam.
That was one hell of a ride, freaking great game! Really had my head rolling trying to figure out who'dunnit.
Anyone know how to unlock the gallery pictures? I find the clues too vague for my casual gamer mind. I have 5/6 of the left side and 1/6 on the right side. This is the result of multiple runs w/ true ending.
Hi 1earth! Would you like more meaty hints, or just the straight up answers? Either way, you can email me at soulsoftea@gmail.com and let me know. Thanks!
Preeeetty bad. On mobile u can't even get past the first room. Where u have to find things in your room. Trash
hey Tim! Apologies that you’re stuck. The persons who tested the mobile builds for us were able to get past the 1st investigation. Is there an error provided, or is it just that you can’t find all the clues?
No the gameplay at the start is just pretty dark. I wasn't able to see the last thing. But after clicking everywhere on my display i found it suddenly.
Oh OK, whew! I'm relieved!
The ending with the escape room is a kind of stretch... I get the idea with the trap and a game, but why would the villains arrive in their revealing costumes to someone else's territory? The art is very good though...
So sad I can't romance Abzi... I secretly was hopping for a path where Adam can join the cult and become Abzi's lover)
Abzi / John / tad / hunter lol I wanted to romance those 4 since I played the demo the game is amazing only the lack of our control over it make it a little hmmmmmm
Hi Haythem! I remember you! Thank you for being so invested in our games! ^_^
I agree with almost everyone you want to romance, except I'd personally add Chuck to the list. lol. Also, if you're interested, I left a comment above to Nymrod addressing Adam's "controllability". Hopefully that helps alil.
oh thank you for replying I am a fan since let's meet Adam 1 and I need to say this one is pretty good can't wait for the 3td part we always gonna support you so keep doing your amazing art
But to be honest I think that if you considered adding some stuff in the game it would be a lot better like maybe
Going into a a darker place and joining the guys forgetting about his initial plan
Possessing more control over Adam action lol maybe by controlling who you can be in a relationship with
And maybe more tad 😂
But I know that adding all this can add more work to you but it's understandable and you can make us pay more which is Okey with us
The element of horror and thriller in the game is so satisfying and I have no comments on them just if we could kill someone or 2 and make stuff move
Finally sorry for my horrible English it's my 3rd language and I will be waiting for your future projects
Heh I've gotten ALOT of feedback and desire for some kind of Abzi route. It feels like a missed opportunity at this point alil =p
When we were at his home and the bedroom option showed up I was so excited lol
Butyou can always create a game where abzi and John can be romanced I would totally buy it
So far I got : the statrace / bittersweet / gutless /violent / dead end / true end
Any hints for the rest lol
Beautiful seems to be following the True end except you choose Soren as much as possible. It plays out exactly the same as the True End, except Soren survives the mansion. Oh and I think you have to be reluctant during the sex scenes Tad makes you do.
Yayyy I got the Bittesweet Ending!
Then I got the Dead End ending like 20 times because I always botch it when I try to guess the culprit(s)!
I thought I was some super-detective, but I'm just a little bitch :P
Can you help me to find the dead ending ?
when you get to the point where you have to accuse who is responsible for the killings, just fuck it up :P
lol i never got to that point xd how can i get there
You probably have to do different choices... I mostly hang out with Soren, Evander and Chuck, tried to do the "nicer" choices with everyone involved.
when it come to the sex scene should I do them or refuse ?
So far I've gotten the True Ending, Gutless Ending, Violent Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Dead End-ing, Starface Ending, two more to go! Any hints you could share as to how to find them? Amazingly dark sequel! <3
Help me find the true ending please 😭😭😭
(I don't know exactly where the variation in choices make a difference, but this is what I did.)
True Ending:
- I don't like her.
- DVD, Weed ID, Wallet (3 Insight Pts.)
- I'm a friend of Rivers...
- No, I don't.
- Yes, very much!
- They're great!
- Everyone matters (Spend 1 pt.)
- Play along
- Refuse (Spend 1 pt.)
- Hint at the truth
- Yes, indeed.
- Jon
- Cover Sheet, Email, Photo (extra 1 pt. by left light)
- Leave
- I'm a cat person (Spend 2 Insight pt.)
- I can look past it. Job's ajob. (Spend 1 Insight pt.)
- Port & Pier (Soren)
- Soren
- Peek (Gain 1 Insight pt.)
- River's results (Spend 1 pt.)
- Port & Pier (Chuck/Soren)
- We're not.
- Ask for his number
- Not my taste
- Tell the truth
- Partake in gossip
- Check
- Lunch at Longpig (Jon)
- No, thank you.
- Maybe it won't be that bad.
- Star, Earring, Chili (3 Insight pts.)
- Absolutely
- Call Evander
- I think they mishandled it.
- Longpig (Hunter)
- Agree
- Was murdered (Spend 1 pt.)
- Give them a show
- Longpig (Abzi & Tad)
- Chuck (Spend 3 Insight pts.)
- ...Hunter?
- Invite Evander
- Jon
- Did it?
- It's innovative (Spend 1 Insight pt.)
- No, I don't
- What happened to you, River? (Gain 1 Insight pt.)
Accuse Soren, John/Jon, Abzi, Hunter
Kettlebell (45) + Plate Weight (60) = 105
Dumbell (37.5) + Plate Weight (60) = 82.5
Dumbell (37.5) + Kettlebell (45) = 97.5
Medicine Ball = 12
45+37.5+60+12 = 154.5
capslock: ONE
capslock: THANATOS
Thank you so much it worked
Is there is a way I can not be in a relationship with evander ? I feel like am forced into it
Exactly. I realised that too and felt kind of cheated that game pushes you to romance that sweet guy no matter what.
Same while playing visual novel i like to control my choices who to be with not go with the flow so when I end up with evander and felt like it wasn't my choice lol I wanted to be with someone else tbh 😂
Amazing!!! Already reached #5 ending, I´m going for moree!!
Aww, thank you Vitoco! There's 8 Endings in total. Try not to pass up the "True End".
Hi can you share with me lol I only good at getting star face / gutless / bittersweet / and violent 😭😭😭
ok so full game gets unlocked if I donate $17?
Hi Sandpixie! The donation I believe is separate from the actual purchase.
Make sure you buy the game for the base $17.99 and only if you want to donate, you can do so after/as well.
i think Itch is alittle confusing on that it asks for the donation first? Don’t donate the full cost of the game, that won’t unlock it. It should give you an option to purchase after 🙂
I only get the option to get the demo :/
Huh, that's odd Sandpixie. Then I checked...its abit of a UX/UI problem. You actually have to *click* on the build you want, and it's kinda unintuitive:
Let me know if that helps!
it worked! how silly. making it look like it's locked
lol it’s...not great UX 😅
If i donated on paypal does that mean i still have to buy the game ?
hey Amy! I believe donations are separate from purchases. So for instance you probably paid via PayPal (but it does give the option to donate on top of the base price). Does that make sense/help?
yes it does help
Got the game can't wait to play it later
Omgosh I really hope it meets your expectations Haythem!!!
Love it althought k git the starface end just now and i was wondering can you tell me if there's an end with Tad since he got me hooked up since the demo!!!
Aw, hello Haythem! Hmm, I don't want to give it away, but what I will say is...
There is 1 ending that does "involve" Tad, but probably not the way you'd want.
Ah such a shame I wanted to get some action with him lol 😂